Voice, Press Releases

Statement on the current situation in the DOSB

Berlin, June 11, 2021. Due to their visibility, athletes are the most important ambassadors for the values of sport. They are judged day by day based on their professionalism, integrity, and conduct. The same standard must apply to those responsible in the federations, especially to the highest body of sport for all and elite sport in Germany. The DOSB presidium can fulfil its role as a role model when it leads by example with a trusting and respectful atmosphere of cooperation within its own organisation, towards its members, the athletes, and the other stakeholders in sport. In this way, the DOSB can also live up to its ambition of shaping sports structures for athletes.

Against this backdrop, Athleten Deutschland takes note of the reaction of the DOSB Presidium to the recommendations of the DOSB Ethics Commission that became known on Monday. From our point of view, it is necessary to strictly follow the recommendations of the Ethics Commission – not least to not jeopardise its credibility and to not risk a loss of trust in this merely recommending institution. A deviation from these recommendations would be an alarming signal in view of the already low level of trust in the functioning of the ombudsman and whistleblower mechanisms in German sport.

We therefore assume that the announced vote of confidence also means early elections, as recommended by the Ethics Commission. A preliminary competition of candidates and ideas should be possible and in line with the democratic self-understanding of sport. According to the Ethics Commission’s recommendations, the current Presidium could gain new trust. The recommendations state: “On the other hand, possible opposing candidates have enough time […] to campaign for a new beginning and to face the confidence of the general assembly in a clear and open manner.”